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Are these the sweetest words you will ever hear? I want to buy your travel company

07/23/2013| 10:04:30 AM| 中文

Online travel company should focus on its own building and growing. Don’t waste time thinking about selling.

NB: This is a viewpoint from Matt Zito, an online travel business consultant.

When you hear those words, spoken exactly like that, you know you have a buyer, a real buyer on your hands.

As entrepreneurs our dream is to build it, scale it, sell it. I heard those seven words one day.

Read full story at: http://http://www.tnooz.com/2013/07/16/news/are-these-the-sweetest-words-you-will-ever-hear-i-want-to-buy-your-travel-company/#LgJij7pdzw8jAOS4.99

TAGS: Online travel business | Acquisition | Startup
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