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Broken down, how OTAs are eating hotel business

02/10/2014| 9:56:57 AM| 中文

Fact – online travel agents are taking everyone’s lunch, apparently charging pretty high commissions and have become pretty good at the whole hotel distribution game.

No discussion about OTAs and hotel distribution would be complete without at least one mention of Booking.com (yes, we know there is debate about whether it’s strictly speaking an OTA).

The point is, how and why, has it (and others) become so successful?

Step forward Jenny Taaffe of iZest who recently gave a fascinating analysis of some of the tools and messages an intermediary such as Booking might employ to convert the customer. It’s not rocket science but it makes for a pretty interesting read.

Read full story at: http://www.tnooz.com/article/OTAs-taking-hotel-business/

TAGS: Hotel Distribution | Online Booking | OTA | Direct Channel
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