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Google pushes review-influenced recommendations above local organic search results in US

06/24/2013| 10:09:56 AM| 中文

After brief experiments, Google officially launched an interactive “carousel” of recommendations above organic results when users run searches for local venues.

Local venues with high ratings via Zagat and other sources are more likely to feature in the top of results now. They appear above organic search results, which were more easily influenced by search engine optimization (SEO).

The Google Knowledge Graph results appear in most desktop browsers in the US and on some tablet browsers. The search results work for queries like “hotels in Denver”, “things to do in (city name)”, and “san francisco cafes”.

For example, type “hotels” and the name of a city you’re interested in (such as “Dallas hotels”) and you’ll see suggested results as determined by Google’s formula.

Read full story at: http://www.tnooz.com/2013/06/19/news/google-pushes-review-influenced-recommendations-above-local-organic-search-results-in-us/

TAGS: Google | travel search | Google Maps
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