reveals data on hybrid work scheme; Hong Kong airline posts loss of $703M | Daily Brief
03/09/2022|11:41:35 PM|ChinaTravelNews

Female travelers report in 2021: Strong desire for new experiences, quality services

>> Chinese online leisure travel platform has released the “Female Traveler Consumer Report” based on the company’s 2021 travel data. The report shows that female travelers are spending more on accommodations for their trips. Higher star-rated hotels, boutique hotels and stylish homestays are attracting more and more female travelers. China has nearly 400 million female consumers aged 20-60, contributing an annual expenditure of USD 1.58 trillion. reveals data on hybrid work scheme: More popular among males

>> Group released data for its one-week hybrid work program. The report shows that the proportion of male employees who applied for the program is higher than that of female employees, and that the proportion of applicants from the “post-90” generation (born in the 1990s) is the highest. Nearly 30% of the applicants were parents with children.

Hong Kong airline posts loss of $703M for 2021 as it struggles with restrictions

>> Hong Kong carrier Cathay Pacific on Wednesday posted a loss of just over USD 703 million for last year, a massive improvement on the record loss suffered in 2020 even as the airline struggled with tough travel restrictions. Chairman Patrick Healy said the company “continued to face serious challenges” and the overall loss for the year was “substantial” despite a considerable improvement in the second half.

China nine months from opening but travelers still far off 

>> China may be nine months away from reopening, but there will be a much longer wait for Australia’s largest pre-pandemic tourist market to return to previous levels, warns Tourism Australia chairman Michael Issenberg. Speaking at The Australian Financial Review Business Summit, where London School of Economics associate professor Keyu Jin said China was nine months away from ending strict COVID-19 restrictions, Mr Issenberg did not think the country’s reopening would mean an immediate restart to travel.

Tourism website Qyer promotes animal-friendly experience

>> Chinese tourism website Qyer recently signed an agreement with the international nongovernmental organization World Animal Protection, marking an ambitious step in promoting animal-friendly tourism. Qyer's brands will not sell or promote wildlife entertainment tourism products.