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Airlines are struggling with the transition to one-on-one customer messaging

04/28/2017| 7:06:40 PM| 中文

Airlines are aware of Facebook – we found that 87.5% of all airlines have a Facebook page and 149 of 200 airlines’ Facebook pages featured Messenger links.

One year ago at its F8 Conference, Facebook announced that it was opening its Messenger platform, giving developers the ability to incorporate chatbots into the conversation.

And exactly one year later, again from F8, Facebook released version 2.0, this time with an even more advanced suite of tools to help developers increase bot usage, engagement, and discovery.

NB: This is a viewpoint by Mike Slone, chief experience officer for Travelaer.

Facebook also revealed that it has an impressive 1.2 billion monthly users on the platform and more than 100,000 active bots (up from 30,000 just six months ago).

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TAGS: Facebook | Messenger | travel marketing
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