Online bookings in Japan to grow, steals share from offline
10/21/2014|10:54:19 AM|

The key headline finding from the executive summary of the Travel Retail in Japan 2014 report is that:

Travel retail is expected to post a 1% CAGR in terms of value sales at constant 2013 prices to reach ¥8.1 trillion (£47 billion) in 2018. Travel retail online sales are expected to grow by an 18% CAGR to take share from travel retail offline sales.

An 18% growth for online compared with 1% for the overall market over the next five years is impressive. In terms of share, however, it is lagging – online sales in Japan in 2013 were worth ¥1.5 trillion (£8.7 billion), equivalent to around 19% of the total market worth ¥7.7 trillion (£44.7 billion).

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