Mobile push for Travelodge
06/03/2008|10:39:00 AM|
Budget hotel giant Travelodge is developing technology to enable mobile booking from all devices.
The system is being developed in-house and is likely to be unveiled in June allowing consumers to look up information and make bookings.
Chief operating officer Guy Parsons said: “We have been looking for a solution to make sure people that are using mobile devices, including the less sophisticated mobiles, have a booking facility that enables them to do what they want.”
Customers with an iPhone or Blackberry will be able to download the main site while others will have access to a mobile site.
Travelodge launched a new website earlier this week with an improved booking process, Google Maps and an Explore UK facility with destination information on local restaurants and events.
A second release of the site is planned for the end of year and the company is considering ways to include some form of social networking.
Personalisation will also become more prominent with the company looking to store customer preferences and credit card details.
The chain invested £1 million in the site, which halves the time it takes users to find the cheapest rates and enables them to book festival and other event and attraction tickets through Keith Prowse.
Travelodge is aiming to have three million customers registered with the site by the end of the year.