Hotels have to recognise their strengths
02/29/2008|8:39:00 AM|Eyefortravel
Published: 27 Feb 2008:A hotel fights for every guest. However, how do hotels defend themselves against the numerous competitors? And which criteria influence a guest´s choice if the standards of a few hotels are alike?

Each hotel must find its own answer to these questions. There is no general plan which would work for everybody, on the contrary, it is different for hotels that belong to a chain or individual hotels in various locations.

The success of a hotel depends on many different conditions. The first step should be to determine its own strengths and weaknesses as well as to make an analysis of its position on the market among the competition. Every detail of a hotel must be carefully looked at. It is absolutely essential to know the target market to be able to plan ahead. All employees should be involved in the development of a hotel to get familiar with its new character. Also an overview from an expert from outside could be of help. An objective and independent look at the state of the hotel is often a big advantage.

Only when the hotel has created such a base and when a clear strategy which is understandable for all partners has been developed, can the next step be made. Hotels must win back the prize sovereignty.

The best preparation is to create a price structure which is respectable and clear for the market. It increases the integrity and credibility. Another aspect is to find the right sales argument. When one offers something really special, then the price is only a secondary matter.

The purpose must be not only to satisfy the guest but also to surprise him over and over again. The hotel´s data bank, where the guests information is stored, can help in this case. However, the data bank can be used even more efficiently. The hotel could for example send out a birthday card to the guest. Also special requests from the guest could be remembered on his next visit. If he orders an extra cushion during his visit, the cushion should already be in his room on his next stay.

It is extremely important to have a logical strategy in order to acquire more customers and also to consider for which market segment the hotel´s offer is addressed to. If one establishes a distribution tool with guests´ addresses and e-mails, you can keep guests in touch with up-to-date information about the hotel.

A mailing action is an additional activity which can be of great benefit. The information about special arrangements, latest offers or discounted prices can be delivered to the guests in this way and therefore might attract them. A few weeks after the stay, the guest can be politely asked by e-mail how the stay was and whether there was any criticism about the hotel. By doing this, the hotel takes the guests needs seriously and possibly makes them come back again.