Mondial Assistance to introduce new service specifically for business travellers
02/13/2008|10:13:00 AM|Eyefortravel
Published: 11 Feb 2008:Mondial Assistance is expanding and developing its existing product portfolio for the business travel market, harnessing its expertise in international travel and risk management.

As the business travel market continues to grow, so do the risks employers expose their employees to when taking trips all over the world," said Ben Smart, Head of Business Development, Mondial Assistance.

"Mondial´s bespoke solutions can be tailored to help organisations meet their duty of care, enhance benefit schemes and offer business travellers valuable peace of mind, wherever they go," said Smart.

Business travellers will be able to make essential trips safe in the knowledge that Mondial is just a phone call away.

The company stated: "Ready to deal with international disasters such as earthquakes and terrorist attacks, Mondial´s highly experienced network of staff make decisions based on the well being of individuals, as well as local country knowledge of the medical services and expertise at hand. The service includes repatriation with support from a network of airlines and air ambulance operators. Mondial closely monitors medical costs, ensuring clients are kept informed as the case progresses to contain costs of medical fees and other bills."