China urges Taiwan to remove cross-strait travel curbs; Macau drops some tests for arrivals | Daily Brief
12/23/2022|4:21:43 PM|ChinaTravelNews

Mainland has ‘no obstacle’ to resuming direct exchanges on cross-strait travel 

>> There is an increasing need among Taiwan compatriots for cross-strait travel ahead of the Spring Festival and we are willing to take optimized measures and do our best to meet the demand, Zhu Fenglian, the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office spokesperson, said on Friday in response to a transportation plan by Taiwan island for the upcoming festival. China urged Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities to remove their unilateral restrictions.

Beijing’s outbound airfares rise as healing COVID-19 residents plan holiday trips

>> The price of outbound flight tickets from Beijing saw a 20% increase week-on-week as the first batch of recovered COVID-19 residents began to plan journeys, about two weeks after China optimized its COVID-19 response measures. Data from Chinese online travel agency Qunar showed that the booking volume for outbound flight tickets from Beijing saw a 38% increase from Monday to Wednesday, compared with last week. 

Hong Kong ports prepare for normal operations with official confirming reopening in sight

>> While the border reopening between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong topped the agenda of the annual report delivered by John Lee, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government, local media have reported that some ports have already begun preparing for normal operations, and a senior official confirmed with Global Times that the border resumption is in sight. 

Cathay Pacific staff union to launch work-to-rule

>> A union representing cabin crew members of Cathay Pacific said it is planning a work-to-rule campaign to fight for better working conditions. The Cathay Pacific Airways Flight Attendants Union made the announcement on its Facebook page on Thursday night, saying it had received a unanimous endorsement by members who attended a recent special meeting. 

Hongkongers rush to the airport as Covid rules ease

>> As Hong Kong gradually relaxes border controls against Covid-19, more Hongkongers are packing their bags for a long-anticipated holiday overseas. Since last Thursday, the number of Hong Kong residents leaving the city has climbed to over 20,000 a day. 

Macau drops some Covid tests for arrivals

>> People traveling to Macau no longer have to undergo a nucleic acid test for Covid on arrival, officials in the city have announced. Arrivals will also now be given an amber health code, instead of a red code, meaning they can roam around the city and enter various premises. However, those traveling to Macau will need to provide proof of a negative PCR test result obtained within 72 hours. reveals European’s wish lists of destinations with long-haul and short-haul travel seeing vitality

>> An analysis of travel data reveals the wish list of destinations this Christmas, chosen by European users of the global travel platform. London was the most searched-for place by European users looking for destinations this Christmas, with fellow European cities Paris and Istanbul making the top five.’s European customers also wanted to revisit Asia, with Bangkok and Manila being the second and fourth most searched-for flight destinations this December.