HK$100M in promotion dollars set aside to lure mainland tourists into HK
03/30/2022|1:43:05 PM|Marketing-Interactive

The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) will focus on promoting Hong Kong to consumers in China’s mainland this year as an internal survey found that Chinese visitors are likely to choose Hong Kong as their top destination in Asia. The board has also committed at least HK$100 million (US$12.77 million) to promote the city in China.

According to multiple reports including The Standard and HK01, HKTB's executive director Dane Cheng said in a Legislative Council panel meeting that about 50% of Chinese mainland respondents would visit Hong Kong as their top destination in Asia, according to an internal survey conducted in Q4 2021, covering 13,000 respondents in 16 markets. The Chinese mainland respondents said health and safety, convenient transportation, and value for money were the reasons for choosing Hong Kong as their preferred travel destination.

In response to the demand from Chinese mainland visitors, Cheng said the HKTB will focus on promoting Hong Kong in China’s mainland with a commitment of at least HK$100 million. He added that Hong Kong's tourism industry among Chinese mainland visitors has changed a lot in recent years.

The HKTB recently received an additional HK$600 million in funding from the government, adding to the budget of HK$1.35 billion this year. It said it will focus on reviving the city's tourism industry and celebrate the 25th anniversary of the city’s handover to China. It predicted that there will be significant growth in the number of arrivals in H2 2022, reaching 9.6 million inbound travellers from China’s mainland to the rest of the world.

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