Now a site for relevant travel inspiration
09/30/2007|10:19:00 AM|Eyefortravel

A new site,, offering travellers an opportunity to post and share their travel experiences, photos and videos on an online community dedicated to sharing inspiration, is being planned. (9/28/2007)

The site, currently its beta launch phase, is an initiative of Hugo Burge, the Internet entrepreneur involved in Cheapflights, and also HOWZAT media LLP, the early stage dotcom investment fund. " will enable travellers to plan their precious leisure time with the benefit of others´ first-hand experiences," stated a release.

The release referred to a recent YouGov survey, which found that 67 percent of British holidaymakers intend to use the Internet to conduct most or all of their travel planning next year. More than three quarters of those polled said they used the Internet to research their destinations.

Importantly for ", the study showed that online intending travellers place far more trust in the opinions of family, friends and other travellers´ online reviews rather than from other sources, when making a final decision where to go to. Recent eMarketer research also indicated that by 2011 there will be 95 million webusers creating content online, up from 64 million last year.

Burge said: "We were not surprised at the survey findings. The Internet has produced some great travel community websites which are focussed on particular niches but " has a different goal. We believe there is a need for a community website that focuses on the heart of travel: the travel experience."

"Relevant travel inspiration is one of the last great frontiers of unsolved conundrums in - the online travel sector. At present the most trusted source of information is friends and family. However, I am passionate to improve on this and believe the web can offer a better, broader and deeper resource for travel decisions within a highly relevant community. I love travel and think there is an opportunity to help inspire each other with relevant and personal first-hand experiences," he said.