91% of travelers would be comfortable using digital health passports to help restart travel, research shows
08/04/2021|7:48:49 PM|Amadeus

As governments and the travel industry explore the benefits of digital health passports, the message from travelers is clear: digital health passports can be a vital tool in opening up travel. The study found that just over 9 in 10 (91%) travelers surveyed said they would be comfortable using a digital health passport for future trips.

This encouraging research provides an incentive to accelerate plans for digital health passports that will help to address traveler concerns. The study provided further good news for the industry as just over 2 in 5 travelers (41%) said they would book international travel within six weeks of restrictions lifting, demonstrating that the appetite to travel remains high.

The survey of 9,055 travelers in France, Spain, Germany, India, UAE, Russia, Singapore, UK and US also contained a note of caution for the industry with over 9 in 10 (93%) travelers having some concerns around how their health data for travel would be stored.

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