Sites packed amid China Labour Day travel rush
05/04/2021|10:17:16 AM|AFP

Millions of travelers criss-crossed China as the Labour Day holiday got under way on Saturday, packing out tourist sites, thronging restaurants and visiting family as the vast country edges towards life after Covid.

The world's second largest economy is expecting some 265 million journeys by road, train or boat during the five-day holiday, a transport ministry official said this week – numbers last seen in 2019 before the coronavirus struck.

Hundreds of day trippers packed out the walkway along the top of the Great Wall at Badaling, some 60 kilometers from downtown Beijing, with many not wearing masks.

But Chinese authorities sounded a cautious note ahead of the break, warning that tourist attractions should impose restrictions on visitor numbers and have ticketing systems to control the flow of people.

Travelers will also need to register at attractions and show their "health codes" – an electronic certificate on their phones to prove they are not at risk of infecting others.

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