Expedia Corporate Travel Launches Industry's First Fully Integrated Global Consolidated Reporting
07/25/2007|9:55:00 AM|Expedia

BELLEVUE, Wash., and BOSTON, July 23  -- Today at the National Business Travel Association´s (NBTA) 39th Annual Convention and Trade Show in Boston, Expedia® Corporate Travel introduced its integrated global consolidated reporting capability. Expedia Corporate Travel´s global consolidated reporting allows travel managers to create and run customized travel reports that aggregate travel data across countries and subsidiaries. Reports can be produced in the languages and currency of choice. These in-depth, real-time reports offer companies insight into both the financial performance and travel activity within their global travel program.

According to the PhoCusWright report Corporate Travel Technology: Today and Tomorrow, "[A] hybrid approach to complex travel planning is only possible if the agent can access the planning already done online and complement or complete the process for the traveler." Expedia Corporate Travel already offers this integrated call center and online booking capability, and adds integrated global consolidated data reporting. Whether bookings are made online or offline, for domestic or international travel, all Expedia Corporate Travel customer data is collected, stored and managed the same way. This ensures that customers will have direct, real-time access to all of their travel data, when they want it, the way they want it, giving them more insight and control of their travel program.

"In a global market, travel managers must make the most informed decisions on a worldwide basis to run efficient programs, and our global consolidated reporting provides access to the information and insight they need to accomplish this goal," said Jean-Pierre Remy, president of Expedia Corporate Travel. "We have worked closely with our global customers to ensure that consolidated reporting not only brings them the information they need, but makes that information easy to get."

Global consolidated reporting was designed to be easy for customers to use. It has a familiar Web interface that lets travel managers organize, view and manage their information in the way that is most useful to them. Travel managers can view their program at a summary level, or drill down and view at the supplier, market, ticket or segment level. Because the information is available in near real-time travel managers also have up to the minute information including traveler location and contact information that can be used in case of an emergency.

Global consolidated reporting will be available to customers in early August.