Mega international tourist resort to be developed in Guangxi province, China
07/10/2020|8:46:59 PM|InterPark

A ‘mega’ international tourist resort is to be built in Nama town in the Guangxi province of China. The site will integrate themed tourism, cultural performing arts, shopping, leisure facilities, as well as ecological preservation and protection.

The tourism resort will sit on an area of around 3.36 sq. km. The site will form what’s described as “One Belt, One Heart and Three Zones.”

“One Belt” refers to the landscape of the resort, comprising of the Bachi River, open spaces, public services, and commercial and recreational facilities along the shore.

“One Heart” describes the entertainment, cultural tourism, commercial complex, and green space that lie next to the Bachi River. The “Three Zones” refer to the Juangbeu, Jiangnan residential zone, and the Binjiang commercial and leisure zone.

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