Abacus boosts reliability for agents with Last Mile Monitoring System
07/20/2007|10:00:00 AM|Eyefortravel
Abacus International has developed a Subscriber Last Mile Monitoring System (7/18/2007)

The new system would allow Abacus to work with local network providers to reduce service interruption and improve the quality of service to Abacus subscribers.

Pakistan, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia have recently deployed SLMS and Abacus has plans to expand its coverage to other markets such as China, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and India later this year.

John Lim, VP - IT and Operations for Abacus International said, "The SLMS is a simple plug-and-play black box that provides network monitoring information to our National Marketing Companies (NMCs) in each country. Previously, this could only be done by large corporations with round-the-clock Network Operations Centres."

The new system provides information on overall travel agent last mile availability, latency (response time) and the number of network errors. The NMCs will be alerted by email if any last mile problems arise and statistics documenting past performance will help Abacus address fault/outage issues with the local network provider on behalf of the travel agent.

Demy Silverio, President, Abacus Distribution Systems (Philippines) Inc., said, "Last mile monitoring will certainly enhance service standards for both Abacus and our travel agents in the Philippines, and is expected to reduce technical outages by third-party suppliers by more than 50 percent. Once fully implemented, SLMS will cover more than 500 Abacus DSL connections in Metro Manila alone."

Sam Wong, General Manager, Pakistan NMC, said, "Last mile monitoring is extremely valuable because technical outages caused by third-party suppliers can significantly hamper bookings and negatively impact customer service standards. The SLMS, allows Abacus to identify and solve transactional issues more quickly, thereby minimising delays and improving operational efficiency for travel agents."