Lonely Planet introduces new travel guide product Pick & Mix
07/11/2007|10:54:00 AM|Eyefortravel
Lonely Planet is to trial Pick & Mix, a new travel guide product that enables travellers to select and purchase individual chapters from a range of Lonely Planet’s award winning guidebooks. (7/9/2007)

The trial currently covers Latin America: Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America. Over 350 chapters across 35 guidebooks are available, including destination guides, phrasebooks and activity guides such as trekking.

Pick & Mix chapters are delivered as downloadable PDF documents – enabling travellers to select trustworthy independent content that meets their specific needs.

“Over the years we’ve received countless letters and emails from travellers telling us they’d like to take just the parts of our book that match their travel,” said Tom Hall from Lonely Planet. “Pick & Mix enables this and is perfect for people travelling to multiple destinations not covered by one or two individual guidebooks, or those looking for very specific information. It’s also handy when plans change or you can’t get to a book store.” The chapters feature the exact same content as the guidebook, and can be downloaded to various devices. The majority of chapters cost Ł1 to Ł3 and travellers receive a discount when purchasing multiple chapters. Travellers can try Pick & Mix for free by downloading the Planning chapter from each book, which includes the Getting Started, Snapshots and Itineraries sections. All Pick & Mix chapters are available in the Buy by Chapter section of the Lonely Planet online shop at shop.lonelyplanet.com.

Based on feedback from the trial, Lonely Planet may expand the product range to include other destinations, as well as explore additional functionality such as combining selected chapters into one customised product that can be downloaded or printed on demand.

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