New dynamic packaging solution for low cost carriers
07/05/2007|9:42:00 AM|Eyefortravel

GoQuo is set to launch its latest dynamic packaging solution, designed specifically for low cost carriers. (7/3/2007)

The new solution, (, can helplift non-flight revenues by offering customers the opportunity to book travel add-ons such as hotels, car hire, insurance and tours when they book flights through the airline’s websites.

According to GOQuo Founder and MD Ron Ramanan, continuing intense competition between LCCs, and in the wider travel industry, means airlines should make every effort to retain their customers through all phases of their online purchasing experience.

“Travellers today expect an easy-to-use, fast and secure booking experience,” Ramanan said, “with as much as possible available on one site. AirlineDP lets airlines give them that.”

Ramanan points out that a major business and customer service issue for budget airlines currently offering non-flight products is a reliance on links to external suppliers’ websites.

He said, “Passengers who book flights on an airline’s website and then want to book a hotel or rental car are usually transferred away from the airline’s core site to the supplier’s website. They have to expend more time and more clicks to interrogate the supplier’s inventory database, make a choice and then book, and then get a totally separate confirmation. Anecdotal evidence suggests they often get frustrated and abandon the booking process, which means a lost sale, lost revenue and some lost credibility for the airline.”

By integrating AirlineDP with its flight booking site, a low cost carrier can make its web site ‘stickier’: customers are likely to stay on it longer if they can ‘look and book’ all their flight and non-flight travel needs in one visit, saving personal time and effort, and enhancing the LCC’s customer service image. All booking confirmations can also be integrated into one master confirmation, according to GoQuo.

According to the company, AirlineDP can help airlines earn better margins from non-flight product bookings. Airlines can actively promote attractive discount offers, while intelligent software for applying business rules helps control mark up in real-time according to popularity and availability.

Ramanan said, “The airline can offer inventory from its own preferred suppliers, from the many accommodation, car hire and tour suppliers available through GoQuo, or from a combination of both. If someone is only booking a flight, AirlineDP can automatically provide sales prompts for other products, all without the customer leaving the airline site.”