Expedia plots HomeAway integration
10/31/2016|4:18:16 PM|Tnooz

Expedia will begin including vacation rental listings from stablemate HomeAway in the next few months as the battle for alternative accommodation heats up.

The online travel agency will finally have a “full integration” of HomeAway content for the first time since the vacation rental giant was snapped up by parent owner Expedia Inc for USD 3.9 billion in November last year.

Brand Expedia originally had a vacation rental channel for searches (with a link off to HomeAway), but now president and CEO Dara Khosrowshahi says it will be a “much more fundamental integrated experience” for results on both Expedia and Hotels.com.

That integration will begin as a pilot in the fourth quarter of 2016 and see further work continuing into 2017.

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