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Intercontinental Hotels: A Case Study In Customer-Centric Marketing

06/07/2010| 10:57:18 AM| ChinaTravelNews 中文

I sat in on a few terrific conversations about making multi-channel marketing a reality. Here is the first: An overview of IHG's use of data-driven marketing to improve communications with existing customers and prospects.

Lincoln Barrett, vice president for guest marketing and alliances, shared that, for IHG, building a customer-centric marketing strategy hinged on three different, but overlapping, initiatives:

1.Invest in technology
2.Expand into new frontiers
3.Build a centralized customer organization

Read the full story at http://blogs.forrester.com/shar_vanboskirk/10-05-19-intercontinental_hotels_case_study_customer_centric_marketing

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